On the road to Half Moon Bay

On a Sunday, we were finally poised to move from Bodega Bay down to Half Moon Bay. This meant we would in fact, drive our rig over the bridge and through San Francisco. A quick check of the map showed that we were passing right through Mill Valley where Scott's best friend and his family live. The Rossingtons graciously entertained us with lunch and a tour of their beautiful home.

Phil, Maeve, Drew and Flynn
Phil is an architect and Maeve is a real estate agent. Together they could entertain and educate me for months and I would still want more. When I heard about the massive renovation that they did on their house, including lifting it to create taller ceilings and turning it from a duplex into a single family home, I was even more impressed with the final product.

Flynn and Tule

They had just completed a landscape redesign when we arrived. While we were there, we all wondered what sort of critter was pulling up the mondo grass by the front sidewalk.  As we were about to leave, Tule their 2 year old Goldendoodle, was caught in the act of 'helping them' on the landscaping. She was just adorable and so much like Hallie, her sister from another litter and the Reed's 1 year old.

We talked of meeting again on a ski slope somewhere with the Reeds

After a short and pretty easy drive through the city, we had arrived at our new campground on Half Moon Bay. It is not an exageration to say that we were ON the bay since we were staying directly across a small street from the Ritz Carlton's golf course. I'm pretty sure the campground might pre-date the Ritz. 

Our RV park is about a 3 minute walk inland on the Coastal Trail just outside of this picture to the left.

Our favorite part of this stay was Halloween at the Ritz. There was no party or anything, but we had some incredibly expensive drinks by the fire pit while watching the sun set. This was day 31 of my Whole 30 diet, so drinking was legal, and it was Halloween - two good reasons to celebrate.

And the Ritz was only a 5 minute walk down the Coastal Trail. We ran this trail every day that we could and it was amazing and surprisingly flat on top of the bluffs. 
Its all about the sunset!

We enjoyed the bagpipes at sunset and looked really hard (and took about 50 pictures) for the green flash, but were not lucky enough on this Halloween evening.

After sunset, Jeff grilled some great steaks and we had a bottle (and a half) of red wine that we had been saving since Oregon. It was really great fun, but really painful the next day...

After not drinking for so long, you really should pace yourself on your first couple of days. I didn't and November 1st became Day One of my next Whole 30. 

We might be getting a little selfie-happy?

I have decided to make this a lifestyle change. I'm eating clean and also experimenting with Intermittent Fasting. I have decided that I will only drink during socializing. Due to the holidays, we should have more social opportunities coming up than we have had. Unbelievably, it is only a very short time until we check in for our four month stay in Heber City, Utah!

A beautiful end to the month of October

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